Hiking Wittenberg

On Saturday (3/16) I took another trip up to the Catskills and crossed my second 35er off the list: Wittenberg. I had originally planned on pressing on to do Cornell as well, but I was worried I’d be too tired for the journey back down and figured I should play it safe. Conditions were spectacular: it was a beautiful, nearly cloudless day. The trail was somewhat muddy but mostly in good condition save for some patches of ice near the peak and some downed trees....

March 20, 2024 · 1 min

Hiking Slide Mountain

I decided that, since I live near the Catskills anyway, I might as well try and do the Catskill 35ers and try and join the Catskill 3500 Club. On President’s Day (02/19/2024) I decided to hike Slide Mountain. I had read that despite being the tallest of the Catskill High Peaks, it is a relatively easy hike and it is also one of the four peaks that the 3500 Club requires be climbed twice, once in winter....

February 23, 2024 · 2 min

Hiking In Colorado

Last week I spent two days hiking near Boulder, Colorado. It was sort of an impulse decision trip: I had a few days off that my wife didn’t have off and I wanted to do something more than just sitting around the apartment all day waiting for her to get back. I knew there was a ton of hiking around Boulder so that’s what I settled on. I was pretty scared at first because I hadn’t ever been out hiking on my own before and I was planning on doing longer and more difficult hikes than I’d ever done before....

December 31, 2023 · 2 min